Below are the links to the websites of the other people in my group. Click the links to view them!
Megan -
Issy -
Milo -
AS Media
G321 Foundation
Rhianna Flett
In today's lesson we began talking about evaluating our work. We discussed what we needed to include; strengths and weaknesses, terminology, examples, analysis, and justification. Including these elements would help us get the best marks.
14th October 2014
Final Extract
To the left is the final extrat of our film. It includes all of the necessary camera techniques and complies with the brief we were given. Below is the evaluation of this extract. It includes what would be improved upon next time.
In order to complete the Preliminary Task, we had to work in groups to create a short film. The film included a character walking, opening a door, walking across a room, and holding a short conversation. During this we needed to include three main camera shots - match on action, shot-reverse-shot and 180-degree rule.
During the task, we focused on continuity. This is the process of ensuring everything flows well with no mistakes. To do this, we first of all did a storyboard. Whilst filming, we kept the storyboard with us to ensure we were doing what we originally wanted to do. This also helped to make sure the scenes would flow together, because we had planned it beforehand. To ensure continuity throughout, all characters needed to be wearing the same clothing, have the same hair, and the scenes needed to stay the same. This helped the scenes flow together.
For editing, we made sure the scenes flowed together by cutting away bits we didn't need. This ensured we had no extra bits that made it look or sound unrealistic (like if someone smiled at the end of a scene whilst trying to be serious, or if you could hear someone laughing in the background.)
Here you can see our use of match on action. We start off with the camera focused on Grace reaching to open the door. After opening it slightly, the film was edited to skip to the other side of the door where we see Grace open the door fully, walk through and close it again.
This technique worked well as the scenes smoothly edited together to make it look realistic.
I think overall, the final extract turned out well. Despite it having a few jolts where the camera shook or something didn't quite fit, for a first attempt it went well. From this practice, we will know what to do differently in the real video we make. Next time, we will ensure the camera moves smoothly, without jolting or pausing. This will make the film much better and more realistic. Next time, we will also consider a better location to film. This way we can make the film as effective as possible. We can become more inventive to make the film much better, as we can spend longer designing and planning everything. Furthermore, this practise piece has helped us become more familiar with editing software, meaning we can take our editing further in our next project, by adding music or different transitional techniques. In our main project, we can take what we have learnt from this task and apply it to make the final extract even better. Our main task will be more inventive, use even more camera techniques, and have a high quality final edit, making it look more professional and smooth.