Below are the links to the websites of the other people in my group. Click the links to view them!
Megan -
Issy -
Milo -
AS Media
G321 Foundation
Rhianna Flett
Rough Cut
After filming all of the scenes we wanted to include in our final edit, we began making our rough cut. This included piecing together all of the filming, sounds and extras like special effects. We completed a rough cut, to make sure that we were including everything necessary, and to give us a chance of changing it to make it better and fit our genre as well as possible.
To the right, I have included the rough cut of our film opening. We kept some of the original idea that we portrayed on our storyboard, however made some differences when it came to filming, in order for everything to flow easier.
Upon review of our rough cut, we noticed some errors such as continuity mistakes with the special effects (the overlay of a recording camera), and overall the lighting used makes it difficult for some scenes to be clear. We also realised that credits needed to be added in order for our film opening to look as realistic and professional as possible. By reviewing these things, we knew what we needed to do to improve for the final cut.
Audience Feedback
Upon completing the rough cut, the next stage was to fill out audience research. We did this by creating a questionnaire which asked for people from our target audience (which we knew from previous audience research) to review what they thought was good and bad about our rough cut. The opinions conveyed to us supported what we thought needed improving in our rough cut.
Below I have included images of our questionnaire. The image on the left is a blank copy of our questionnaire. To the right of this are the responses we received from our target audience.
Final Cut
After analysing our audience research, and looking over our rough cut, we knew we needed to make some scenes lighter, in order to make them clearer to the viewer; we needed to include suitable titles, with a font that complimented our genre; and fix and continuity errors. By doing this, our final cut seems much more realistic and more professional in comparison to our rough cut, which contains many errors. By completing the rough cut and the audience feedback, we were able to complete our final cut to a more improved and higher standard.
To the right I have included the video of our final cut.